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What are/is your good/bad/unusual habit(s)?

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I procrastinate...a lot!
I'm very moody
According to my friends, whenever I talk I always use hand
I can never keep anything always ends up dirty in the end no matter what I do.
I don't sleep much, I'm like a vampire! *reveals fangs*  :P
I fidget, I can never keep still
I cuss...a lot
When I'm angry it looks like I wanna kill someone..o_o;
I'm aggressive
Very stubborn
I don't think before I act

Wow...a lot of bad habits.  XD

I tend to accidently change the subject a lot.
Sometimes I talk before thinking, or I think too much before talking.
I seem to have this look that says "help me, I'm desperate" whenever asking for help.
I daydream a lot during school(who doesn't?).
I tend to "purposely" forget to do my chores.
I act shy, but I'm really not.

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
Unusual habits:
zoning out
imitating animal sounds
too obsessed with symmetry and balance

Bad habits:
staying up late till dawn
eating too many sweets

Good habits:
thinking what the opposite side may be thinking
never trying to get on one's nerves
I try to help those who ask me, as long as I can help them

Bad habits
Likes to procrastinate
Say/do things without thinking of consequences

Good habits
Likes to tell jokes/cheer people up and such. ._.
likes to save money. X3 (But can't when it comes to trc. lol! ^^)

I think I have more bad habits, just that I can't remember them for now. :heh:

um, bad habits:
I have a bad temper...
I can't stay still, I kinda move and shuffle around alot...  :sweatdrop:
I'm a little unorganized with my artwork...
I sleep too much ...
I'm kinda careless ...  :sweatdrop:

unusual habits:
staring out of windows/daydreaming/spacing out
um, I carry a little keychain filled with colored sand, like its lucky or something...  :sweatdrop:
eh, I crack my knuckles and my fingers sometimes....
I also carry around a first aid kit in my purse...  ^^"

good habits:
I have photographic memory...
I'm pretty good at saving money...
I like to cheer people up
I'm organize with my school work

This is all I can think of right now...  :sweatdrop:


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