General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are/is your good/bad/unusual habit(s)?

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Good: Randomly giving chocolate / sweets / whatnots to anyone.
Bad: Falling asleep at any given time.
Unusual: Turning up my cellphone so that people would hear my ringtone.

good: i can do stuff really fast if i want
bad: i can keep on ranting about stuff for hours/days (mostly anime)
unusual: i always let the bones in my neck crack when i wake up, i like the feeling

Sailor Yue-chan:
i twirl my hair, often leaving "mini briades" there
i pull on the skin on the back of my hands
a make my fingers and wrists make a craky sound
i make my big toe make a load popping sound
i draw on my hands when im writing,

Hikari B.:
Also, I worry a lot and laugh easily.

Bad: Mimicking voices while at work. And I copy the hysterical ones XD.


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