General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are/is your good/bad/unusual habit(s)?

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doing one-liners

doing bad one-liners

playing with the betamax player at work so whoever's on TV would end up sporting a funny face

i'm far from being perfect,so i found me others drawbacks  :sweatdrop:
i'm REALLY awkward,TOTALLY absent-minded,and AWFULLY worried!

for instance i forget to tell someome something important (like claiming to my cousin for two months to give me back my tap of PS2 :angry:),or to do a chore that my mother asked me five minutes ago (the laundry  :sweatdrop:),or on the contrary i make a unfortunate mistake by revealing an information i shouldn't have known  :shifty:

like i often tell,i'm cursed  -_-

I repeat myself alot
I lick my lips >.>
I talk alot
I flirt alot
I laugh alot
ppl  can't stand me being a guy for I'm veary girly and I talk higher then normal
I play with my hair wean someone is talking to me
I talk to ppl and get OT really fast
I'm absent-minded.
I hate cleening and I won't if I can get away with it.

My good habit is being to nice and my bad habit is not being able to say no to someone when I want to.

Unusual habit: bringing in a lot of food on my office cubicle before work.


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