General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are/is your good/bad/unusual habit(s)?

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Good habits - eating healthy
Bad habits - PROCRASTINATING, slouching, and splitting my split ends (it's not healthy for hair)
Unusual habits - I'll have to think about this one. I know I have lots. ^^;

Sugar Fairy:
good habit: being prompt
bad habit: smoking
unusual habit : being prompt :heh: is that unusual?

Good Habit: I always clean and organize my stuff

Bad Habit: Sometimes, by being such a lazy bum I end up doing HW in the morning

Unusual Habit: I eat my Oreos whole, and with a glass of milk if possible (sorry, will think of a REALLY unusual one and will write it later)

Hey sugar fairy,, i smoke too.. but i dont concider it as a bad habit ^^;;

this are my bad habits:

--- Quote from: pretty on February 26 2006, 02:50 pm ---*_* i cant stay still on one place O_O .. i have to keep always moving ><!! even when im sitting in the computer im always moving my legs and i kick everything next to them
*_* im stubborn in the bad way
*_* im boring

--- End quote ---

unusual habit: I keep talking to much abut blood and death
good habit... errr.... let me think.. there must be something.. *thinks really hard -.-" *... i dont have any :(... just that usually i worry to much about other people than myself cuz im useless so i want that people that deserves to live keep going..

good habit:  i organize my stuff, always up to date
bad habit: watch anime 'til midnight, sleep during classes
usual habit: read newspaper, & latest journals


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