
Do your friends like anime?

Anime has brought us together!
0 (0%)
You kidding? They hate it.
5 (12.5%)
Some of mine like it, some don't.
24 (60%)
They don't really care either way
9 (22.5%)
It's split right down the middle.
2 (5%)

Total Members Voted: 38

AuthorTopic: Anime vs friends  (Read 23534 times)

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #20 on: March 01 2006, 02:31 am »
Only two classmates like anime too and I think one of them only because I do... :dodge:
But I was in another class for years and nobody liked it there...I was a real outsider... This pushed me really down...but then *thank god* I got internet and I found many friends! Some of them know me better than the guys I see everyday!  :keke:
I wasn't depressive anymore and that was important... really important!
I realized that there are guys who like me as I am and I found the courage to left some "friends" who treated me really bad...they thought I wasn't good enough for them because I liked "childish" things! -_-
They always saied it's fun but for me it was not! It hurted and that's why I left them! Don't know if it's forever, but for a long time for sure!
Now I know that there is no need to let others treat me bad because there are guys who really like me! :D
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #21 on: March 01 2006, 08:43 am »
Yep, in a battle between Mickey and Syaoran, our chocolate-haired prince is the one who will be triumphant!

Completely true!!!  :okay:

Today I defended Mokona from a friend of mine that saw a picture in my notebook. He kept saying it looked like a wierd, crazy, and stupid rabbit.

Must say that after a couple of BOOOMS and POWWS he ended up saying that he was sorry and that Moko-chan was really cute. This guy is not in my school, and I have known him for 5 years, since he is my neighbor, yet it seems that he really hates anime, and any cute Kero-and-Mokona looking creatures.

Oh well. I will always defend my sweet Syaoran-kun, no matter what!!!  :wink:
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #22 on: March 01 2006, 08:49 am »
Scariest part of it all, I used to be one of them!  :confused: I didn't like anime for the simple reason that I couldn't understand what they were saying, and now I can't get enough of it! In cases like this, I love to be wrong! Though I still wish I had someone to share it with.

My sisters claim to love anime, but that's only because they like to copy me. They still prefer to watch it in English, even if it is so horribly dubbed! :coughCardcaptorscough: I guess I'll have to be content with enjoying it and sharing my love on here. Just gotta love the internet!

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #23 on: March 01 2006, 01:03 pm »
This topic makes me very sad... unfortunatly, my best friends think anime and manga are unintelligent. I could ramble and curse on and on, about how their only exposure to it was Pokemon dubs, and Speed Racer dubs, but It just makes me sad in the end. If they catch me reading a manga, they'll go into the 'why do you like that crap' ramble. When it's Tsubasa, I get SO mad.... they recognize that I read this series all the time, and the only glimpse they got of it was a page they read over my shoulder once.  It was rather unfortunate that their onl exposure to my fandom was the page when Syaoran-tachi is seperated from Mokona in volume 2, where they were speaking gibberish. They officially think that my fandom is retarted. :dodge:
Funny how this same group of friends mocked my being a girl scout today as well... *sigh*

But I do have 4 friends, love them to death, that I see every now and then - my manga buddies. CLAMP isn't their fandom, for 3 out of 4... but the fourth one I can totally call on anytime to talk about any series I'm reading. :) Totally spiffy.
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #24 on: March 01 2006, 09:14 pm »
I think most of them do... At least they are not against it. But most of my friends are darling videogame nerds like me! X3
I have a friend, and whenever we meet we spend almost the whole day talking Mega Man X. ^^''

Only two classmates like anime too and I think one of them only because I do... :dodge:
But I was in another class for years and nobody liked it there...I was a real outsider... This pushed me really down...but then *thank god* I got internet and I found many friends! Some of them know me better than the guys I see everyday!  :keke:
I wasn't depressive anymore and that was important... really important!
I realized that there are guys who like me as I am and I found the courage to left some "friends" who treated me really bad...they thought I wasn't good enough for them because I liked "childish" things! -_-
They always saied it's fun but for me it was not! It hurted and that's why I left them! Don't know if it's forever, but for a long time for sure!
Now I know that there is no need to let others treat me bad because there are guys who really like me! :D
*hugs* Been through that as well. I was a too open about myself, which meant that I got very hurt when they attacked my weak spot, such as calling me "Pikachu", because that was all that "manga/anime" was for them. (sure, in the right company I wouldn't mind be called Pikachu! He's cute! X3 But this was negative... VERY negative.)
Now, I don't want to mention what I love the most. I think only one IRL-friend understands how much I love Subaru for example.
Then I have lots of friends online who like me, and the same stuff as me! And some who hate me(mostly on swedish forums >.< But I don't mind... it hurts, but I can't do anything against it. If I could, I would...)
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I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #25 on: March 02 2006, 05:53 am »
This topic makes me very sad... unfortunatly, my best friends think anime and manga are unintelligent. I could ramble and curse on and on, about how their only exposure to it was Pokemon dubs, and Speed Racer dubs, but It just makes me sad in the end. If they catch me reading a manga, they'll go into the 'why do you like that crap' ramble. When it's Tsubasa, I get SO mad.... they recognize that I read this series all the time, and the only glimpse they got of it was a page they read over my shoulder once.  It was rather unfortunate that their onl exposure to my fandom was the page when Syaoran-tachi is seperated from Mokona in volume 2, where they were speaking gibberish. They officially think that my fandom is retarted. :dodge:
Funny how this same group of friends mocked my being a girl scout today as well... *sigh*
Oh I HATE it when friends come in at the wrong time while reading manga. There was this one guy who saw me reading Ranma 1/2 and thought it was something pornographic. Man, it's awful! ><
Yes, dubs on tv are what give anime a bad image! And what's really bad is when they don't even use the word "anime" and instead use "Japanimation". Yuck!

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #26 on: March 02 2006, 09:30 am »
My friends couldn't care LESS about Anime, they prefer watching novels in the TV or talking of What Not to Wear. :dodge:

I am the only one that loves Anime, and since I know they HATE to know about it, I keep my mouth shut and I talk about it here in the forums. :)

Tyahah! Same here, my friends dont care..prep girls man (: We like to chill out at a mall..haha..Yeah. And I don't really talk about forums around them..we..talk..NO DUH!

blah blah blah's going out with this this this..EWW! and..you know the rest (;

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #27 on: March 03 2006, 05:54 am »
Oh I HATE it when friends come in at the wrong time while reading manga. There was this one guy who saw me reading Ranma 1/2 and thought it was something pornographic. Man, it's awful! ><
Yes, dubs on tv are what give anime a bad image! And what's really bad is when they don't even use the word "anime" and instead use "Japanimation". Yuck!

The one time I went into the manga store with my non-anime liking friends, and what do they pick up immediately and start reading? Love Hina. >.>
One of my guy friends likes anime, but not manga, and recently I've turned another friend into a Tsubasa and Furuba fan (and, inadvertently, a KuroxFye fan ^^9 ) but that's all. The whole anime/manga culture is fairly small over here still.

Thanks babypiggy for the set!! <3

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #28 on: March 03 2006, 06:42 am »
Well some my IRL friends like it but some...don't understand of my hobby XD
Some of my friend I don't tell nothing about anime or manga (I only say that I'm computer nerd), they understand..some of understand something of anime and manga and some knows everything (same nerd like me, wee XD)
At school we barely speak about anime or manga...very lamely..sometimes..
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #29 on: March 03 2006, 09:27 pm »
up to date.. i only have 1 close friend who shared the same anime (or manga) interest as myself.. :sweatdrop:

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #30 on: March 03 2006, 10:50 pm »
None of my friends like Anime, they all totally hate it and think its for kids. However it all changed when I met a few Anime fans from the net and now I have made my first Anime fans ^^
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #31 on: March 04 2006, 06:10 am »
When I drew fanart at school people would come up saying "Oh what are you drawing--oh that...*forced smile* Well, that's...nice. Is that pokemon?" It's like...once someone sees it's in the anime style, they immediatley dislike it.
There was this one guy in class that worked on a group project with me and he drew a lot too. He didn't draw anime style though....he drew sort of semi-realism. Anyway, I love group projects that require drawing because I'm like "Me! Me! I can do it!!" But this time he got the job of doing art. I tried to volunteer helping too, but someone said "He draws REAL art, not cartoons." Because nothing in anime has ANY realistic elements whatsoever?!? Man, talk about stealing my thunder...><

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #32 on: March 04 2006, 06:37 am »
That's too bad, Hypercrabby. In answer to your question earier, I haven't really cosplayed as anyone. Although I did cosplay as random japanese school-girl.. the first time I went. I thought that the skirt was too long, since it went to my knees. But apparently thats how long they actually are in japan. I guess I always figured they were short, due to what I've seen in anime.

Anyway.. out of the total of my friends that enjoy anime, I really have very few. I think I have more online then in real life.
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #33 on: March 04 2006, 08:55 am »
Aww...too bad ><"
Well they don't force the smile, they're just not anime type. Not like they HATE IT. haha

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #34 on: March 05 2006, 07:22 am »
A lot of people don't see anime beyond anything but Pokemon and DBZ. I do have a few friends who do like anime, though not as much as I would like. We're all going to cosplay in the next expo. One of my friends is going as Syaoran from TRC...funnily enough.

I do have a friend who absolutely HATES anime though. I mean with a passion. I would like to try and convert her but I haven't read enough brainwashing books yet. Well, whenver she's around we talk about fashion and stuff like that.
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #35 on: March 05 2006, 07:54 am »
A lot of people don't see anime beyond anything but Pokemon and DBZ. I do have a few friends who do like anime, though not as much as I would like. We're all going to cosplay in the next expo. One of my friends is going as Syaoran from TRC...funnily enough.

I do have a friend who absolutely HATES anime though. I mean with a passion. I would like to try and convert her but I haven't read enough brainwashing books yet. Well, whenver she's around we talk about fashion and stuff like that.

i think i don't have it as hard as everyone because i do have many friends who like anime. and even if they didn't like it as much as i do, they would still support me by reading my fanfics and help me get stuff off of ebay.

also, we have an anime club in school and most of my friends are in the anime club. it's like a 2 to 1 ratio with friends who like anime and friends who don't.
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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #36 on: March 05 2006, 11:37 am »
also, we have an anime club in school and most of my friends are in the anime club. it's like a 2 to 1 ratio with friends who like anime and friends who don't.
That sounds like so much fun! I'm jealous! >< What exactly do you do in an anime club?
I'm thinking that at some point I'm going to start a doujinshi circle with other artists. That would be so cool! ^^

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #37 on: March 09 2006, 03:30 am »
My best friend is just like me in that we both love manga, anime, and videogames. We both like writing stories, drawing pictures, and coming up with random story ideas we know we'll never write.

So, I'm lucky in that respect. It was the Pokemon craze that brought us together as friends, so I've known her about eight years now. We've branched out since then, and both love Fullmetal Alchemist, and Tsubasa. She'll buy Candidate for Goddess, or Negima, and I'll buy Tsubasa and Fruits Basket, and then we read the volumes off each other, so we save money! Haha!

The rest of my friends...well...some like anime, some don't really care (my other friends seem to think they're 'maturing' by going out drinking a lot...hm. Whatever.) I have some friends who are borderline anime lovers, and one of my friends is obsessed with Les Miserables...so...

...We're all a strange bunch.

I have another friend a bit like my best friend. She's not afraid to admit she still sometimes watches YuGiOh. Haha. I've got her hooked on Fruits Basket, now I'm working on getting her hooked on Tsubasa XD

(Actually, I already have one friend hooked on Tsubasa. xD I just gotta work on the others!)

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #38 on: March 09 2006, 04:43 am »
You know what it seems like? It seems as if everyone goes through a Pokemon/Digimon/YuGiOh stage...
Like, you know how older folks talk about their bad 80's period? They had bad clothing, not to mention the infamous 80's hair.
It's like, those animes are the same as the 80's craze . We've all been obsessed, we're somewhat embarressed about it now. We all had that bad Digimon hair. XDD It's something that sparked our interest, so we can't really dislike it. It's our roots, but there's still a little twinge of embarressment when brought up. ^^;

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Re: Anime vs friends
« Reply #39 on: March 10 2006, 07:17 pm »
You know what it seems like? It seems as if everyone goes through a Pokemon/Digimon/YuGiOh stage...
Like, you know how older folks talk about their bad 80's period? They had bad clothing, not to mention the infamous 80's hair.
It's like, those animes are the same as the 80's craze . We've all been obsessed, we're somewhat embarressed about it now. We all had that bad Digimon hair. XDD It's something that sparked our interest, so we can't really dislike it. It's our roots, but there's still a little twinge of embarressment when brought up. ^^;

I still have a soft spot for the animes that got me started. I think I always will. ^_^

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