CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Sakura's lost memories

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Kaoru Mikoshiba:

--- Quote from: aishiteru on March 04 2006, 07:34 am ---wasn't she being summoned by someone? and you know how she started floating with the wings on her back? i believe those are her memories and such and when syaoran went to save her, it interrupted the summoning or something.

i don't know. maybe i'm wrong.

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That does make the most sence.

haha. well, that's only what i caught on to during the anime. i guess when i watched it, i wasn't that confused because like you clearly saw her wings when she was sort of being summoned and like.. wings = feathers. ahah. that's why her memories are in the forms of feathers? haha. how about, let's just make my idea a possible theory.


--- Quote from: aishiteru on March 04 2006, 07:34 am ---wasn't she being summoned by someone? and you know how she started floating with the wings on her back? i believe those are her memories and such and when syaoran went to save her, it interrupted the summoning or something.

i don't know. maybe i'm wrong.

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Yeah that's what I was thinking too.

bie liao:
Thats what I told Shiunu I thought in a PM, almost to a dot!  ^_^  I don't think we'll know exactly why her memories scattered (as in, what is has to do with her powers) for a while.  I'm sure Syaoran's past is involved, and we're just now figuring it out.

Somehow I get the feeling that it was all sorta...planned out; Fei Wong (thats his name, ne?) wasn't hardly bothered at all when her wings transformation was interrupted by Syaoran.  In fact, it looked like he expected it.


--- Quote from: bie liao on March 04 2006, 01:45 pm ---Thats what I told Shiunu I thought in a PM, almost to a dot! ^_^ I don't think we'll know exactly why her memories scattered (as in, what is has to do with her powers) for a while. I'm sure Syaoran's past is involved, and we're just now figuring it out.

Somehow I get the feeling that it was all sorta...planned out; Fei Wong (thats his name, ne?) wasn't hardly bothered at all when her wings transformation was interrupted by Syaoran. In fact, it looked like he expected it.

--- End quote ---

yeah, that's the weird thing though because isn't he trying to prevent syaoran from finding the rest of the feathers?


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