CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions
chapter 108
--- Quote from: Ashlee on March 04 2006, 05:05 am ---Thank-you for telling me. Show content Is that the series that clamp gave up on, or is that a different one. The way you put it. I really want to read it!!! heee. He is really hot, that Kamui guy. Is it just me or does he have a bit of our Syaoran in him. Or is it just me....
--- End quote ---
Show contentWell, CLAMP hasn't given up on it as far as we know, but they've had some problems with the publisher and its still unfinished. T_T But yes... Kamui does seem to have a following of squeeing fangirls for some reason.... not unlike our Syaoran... ^^;;
Show content Erm, actually CLAMP never gave up on a single series, contrary to popular belief... It's that their publishers won't let them have the endings they choose sometimes.. So CLAMP is putting those stories on hold until that whole thing gets worked out.. IF it ever gets worked out.
And yes, Kamui is hot. I really don't think he's very Syaoran-like though.. Maybe in some ways he is, but there are still a ton of ways in which he isn't, as well. I'd say that beyond them both being kind-hearted and brave, they don't have much in common. Except their hair... XD
EDIT: Ah! Pikari, how do I keep posting immediately after you everywhere? XD I just said the same thing you said... LOL Sorry...
Lol!! Perhaps we think alike? o_O;;
But I have to agree with you that they're really not that similar.. from what I know of X. (which I'll admit isn't everything)
Hmm.. but let's keep the discussion going (do we really need these spoilers?? o_O)
Show contentDragons of Heaven? Dragons of Earth? or just random guys? Who do you think the other cloaked dudes are? ^^
This chapter is terrorific! :icon_pale: :sad6: poor syao... :sad5:
well, I'll not tell more.. :sweatdrop:.could someone tell how to put a spoiler in my posts?
I say arigato gozaimas to the person that could tell me it. :noteworthy:
You do spoilers like this [*spoiler]spoiler[*/spoiler]
Just remove the *
And yeah, I don't think we need to put things in spoilers anymore.
If someone has read this far through this thread, they have probably been
reading the spoilers anyway, lol! ^^
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