Saturday, February 4 11:20 PST
This homework... it's making my eyes bleed... T_T 2 notebooks due monday, one for each class with this one teacher. Language Arts and Social Studies are currently my worst subjects, and she teaches them both. Last semester I BARELY passed Language arts, and the whole time I thought I was doing fine... Oye. I guess I'm not very observant.
But I spent the early hours of the morning trying to get the Drama CD onto my ipod, to litte and/or no success. I downloaded 3 different mp3 converters, none of which worked, and then in frustration blared "Kizuna" and recorded it with my digital camera. Converted that mov file to mp3. That whole process took 2 hours, and all I got was a low, low quality version of Syaoran singing where you can here me cursing to myself over having to use a camera.
Maybe I'll make a t-shirt. "I spent 2 hours trying to convert the Tsubasa Chronicle Drama CD into mp3 format, and all I got was this sh**y, low-quality, version of 'Kizuna' recorded with my camera, with me swearing in the background". Hey, I can think of A TON of people who need a shirt like that... *sarcasm*