I kind of hope that Sakura doesn't get her old memories back. I think it'd be sweeter that way, having them fall in love all over again. If she gets her memories back it'll be almost like "Oh, I have my memories now and I have to love you because we're childhood friends." But if she doesn't, she'll love him for who he is now, and all that they've been through together and they relationship that they've built because of that.
Not that I don't think Sakura wouldn't completely love him no matter what happens... just that having her memories returned is almost too "perfect" an ending for me. But I'm sure I'll love CLAMP for whatever they do. o_O
I totally, TOTALLY agree. I was just saying this in the speculation thread. Having Sakura fall in love with him again would be awesome, because it shows how they will love each other no matter what. Hmm, i think I understand the dimesion thing a little more now. Let me elborate

Sakura is sorta like a 'different' Sakura, compare it too Tomoyo-hime, and Piffle!Tomoyo, they are different people but have the same heart. Basically what I'm saying is that, Sakura may not be the same Sakura who was Syaoran-kun's childhood friend, however, she still is Sakura, and that Sakrua was always destined to be with Syaroan, because her heart feels attracted to him and loves him. It sorta make sense I think, and maybe, Sakura getting her memories back, wont be so predicatable as I though 0.o
Also, I wish there was more angst on their relationship too. I've been thinking how Syaroan might not want to burden her with the stress of knowing about their relationship. I think he even doesn't want to tell her, which is evident in the OTOU arc. However, I think he knew that even if he told her, that it wouldn't make much difference. I think if Sakura was to tell Syaroan she loved him, I doubt he'd embrace her or something, I think he might think that she's trying to make him feel better, and might not believe her. He probably thinks she's pitying her. I dont know if this will be true, but I'm just speculating

Anyway, he might realize sooner that getting all of Sakura's memories isn't worth it, or at least I hope, and he might just stop, and accept the fact that Sakura doesn't need all of her memories, and she can make new ones, even with him. I think he might feel that in order to Sakura to love him, she has to be dependant on her memories, he might feel that he's not good enough, since Syaoran seems insecure I think. I think that would provide alot of angst, and make Sakura a strong character, I hope she doesn't break down and cry, but maybe try to show Syaoran how she loves him, and not because she needs her memories inorder too.Heh, I think I'm just rambling, but the idea of going all over dimensions, looking for one feather at a time, would take forever, so this could be a good alterante ending, at least to me >.<
I'm such a angst lover, its really unhealthy XD