General Discussions > Chains Board

Shiritori !

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Ahh! Oh no!! Moezy-chaaan!!

Minna, I don't know if this was discussed in the first post, but in "Shiritori," you can't say a word that ends in the character "n." This is because in Japanese, no word BEGINS with "n," so no one can continue.

Ok, now that that's cleared up, I'll just start with another random word:

Ichigo (strawberry)

:sweatdrop: Ah, gomen; and since I messed up...

Gomen nasai (I'm sorry)

aishiteru (I love you)


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on April 25 2006, 10:41 am ---:sweatdrop: Ah, gomen; and since I messed up...

Gomen nasai (I'm sorry)

--- End quote ---
I think the next one is suppose to be I and not ai  ( go-me-n na-sa-i)
Ikura- how much?

raigetsu (next month)


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