CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax and QTV

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Cardcaptor Takato:

--- Quote from: Brad on April 10 2006, 09:26 pm ---Well DBZ wasn't exactly a work of art to begin with. ;) hehe.

I'd like to say something about the pronunciation of Sakura's name. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. People in Japan (have been living here for 2 years now) say it the way it was said here. Sa-koo-ra. However a LOT of people seem to think that it should be SAR-koo-ra (which just sounds stupid as shown in the second CCS movie dub where they listened to the fans). It's similar to the way they say Naruto in the new dub of that show. It should be Na-roo-toe but they say it NAAHH-roo-to which just sounds like it's trying too hard honestly.

If you say to a Japanese person: "I love Sar-koo-ra" (the way a lot of people think it SHOULD be said) they will laugh at you. It sounds stupid.

If you say "I love Sa-koo-ra" (the way everyone's bitching about which is actually correct)... well, that's how it's said.

Just had to get this off my chest.

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Um, what are you talking about?  Nelvana DID mispronounce Sakura's name.  It's supposed to be pronounced: Sah-ku-rah.  SehKOOreh is how Nelvana mispronounces it which is completely off.  Even Nelvana admits that they changed the pronouncation of Sakura's name.  Quoted from the official Cardcaptors website FAQ, "Are the North American character names different from the ones in Japan?  Yes, the North American character names are mostly English names, and are pronounced in a way that's easy to understand for English-speaking kids to understand.  For instance, while it is common in Japan for Asian languages to put the accent on the first and last syllables of a name (i.e. SAH-koo-RAH); in North America, names tend to put the accent on the second syllable (i.e. Re-BEC-ca).  We have adapted the pronouncations for our North American audience."  The CC dub DOES mispronounce Sakura's name, the uncut dub for the second CCS movie DOES pronounce Sakura's name CORRECTLY, and the Naruto dub DOES pronounce Naruto's name CORRECTLY.  If you don't believe me, go read the answer to the 12th question on the FAQ at the official Cardcaptors website yourself where Nelvana even admits that they mispronounced the names on purpose:

Little Wolf:
so... I'm really the only one who found it "watch-able".  :sweatdrop: I guess this is what happens when you watch that channel every single day. You get used to the horrible dubs.

And yes, I also noticed that Touya and Yukito was dubbed by the same person. It was really funny coz I wasn't looking at the TV during that scene so I got confused.

hm.. I'm still watching this until the last episode. There's no way they're going to cancel this. It's a great show for those who don't download the original Jap. If there's one good thing about this, it's the fact that Tsubasa will gain new fans.


--- Quote from: Little Wolf on April 12 2006, 07:17 am ---so... I'm really the only one who found it "watch-able".  :sweatdrop: I guess this is what happens when you watch that channel every single day. You get used to the horrible dubs.

--- End quote ---

*Gasp* That's a bad thing Little Wolf-sama! Don't get pulled in by their evil! Remain faithful to the real anime! Onegai!

--- Quote from: Little Wolf on April 12 2006, 07:17 am --- If there's one good thing about this, it's the fact that Tsubasa will gain new fans.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, by a bunch of people that don't have any appreciation for the wonderful Japanese culture.

Although some of those people might actually hear that the Japanese version is better and go hunt it down.

yeah, me too. i'm going to watch it until the last episode.. y'see our computer is not that fast, so i can't download TRC episodes that much. I hope they air the seaon 2... and NOT dubbed!


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