My ears!!! They burn!! Not Tsubasa, not my wonderful, lovely Tsubasa! They can't do this!

Now after that rant, I'll give my indepth reason behind it.
Syaoran: He sounded like he was more like a father than anything else. Even more uptight than usual. That was so not my kawaii Syaoran-sama!
Sakura: She sounded just like her CCS English counterpart! Stuck-up and rude. I couldn't stand her. And they gave her the same name again! It's not Sakooora, it's Sa-ku-ra!
Kurogane: I will admit, regrettably, that they got the laughter down. He was able to do the exact laugh that the Japanese Kurogane gave. But when he started to talk, that was just unbelievably painful.
Fai: He sounded like a prepubecent 13 year old! (apologies to any 13 year olds on here

Touya: He sounded like a 15 year old. Unbelievable! (Again apologies) And saying, "Whatever." That steamed me to no end!
Yukito: I can't believe that! His voice was horrible as well! And how they pronounced his name! Un...for...giv...ABLE!!!
Tomoyo: She was just like her CCS dubbed voice as well. A complete valley girl!
Ralea-chan, thank you so much for showing these. It has only strengthened my will to NEVER watch the dub! Let the Japanese live on!!