AuthorTopic: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax and QTV  (Read 94888 times)

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #40 on: April 07 2006, 01:01 pm »
Fye=Kyu's Voice (Detective School Q)
How they pronounce Kurogane is Kuro-gane....
man that sucked
they reused the voices of the other dubbed animes they have

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #41 on: April 07 2006, 01:56 pm »
*winces again and again as she transfers Episode 1 to Computer*

When did Animax not reuse their voices? Handful of times I'd say. *winces* Anyway, this is gonna take some time. It'll probably be up by Saturday night in the Philippines. *twitch, wince*

They ruined I predicted they used Yukito's voice! *wince*

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #42 on: April 07 2006, 06:02 pm »
Well the voices sounded off from their characters that's for sure.

But Kero voice for Mokona? Gah...

Little Wolf - Actually it's the same squeaky voice used for Sakura, just less squeaky.

As for Syaoran = Conan = Yusuke. I was waiting for him to say "Spirit Gun!".

Any comments for Yuko?

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #43 on: April 08 2006, 06:48 pm »
Yuko = Sonomi Daidouji. Yes Yuko is Tomoyo's long lost mom. :sweatdrop:

Mokona = I was waiting for it to say "Bow-meow!" and change to the black Mokona! :XD:

And during Sakura was being swallowed, the way Yusuke Syaoran said "Sakura!" was.....  :dodge:

Here they are. Clips. Sorry, I'm on dial-up. The original .wav files where big, 75MB each. Sorry for the sound quality also. >.<

Sakoorah and Ciaowron:

Sadly, the name pronounciations are what I feared and they made me hit the pavement with a loud crack. They also edited out the "I told you not to address me in Keigo" scene. I scratched my head since the lip synching didn't match. Then I figured out finally that they took that part out. So I took it out as well. Whaddya know? Animax DOES crop! Here.

Faye and Kurowghane:

Fay's voice is absolutely despicable. Tomoyo's voice is unforgivable. The eyecatch was changed yet somehow the audio fits the original eyecatch. XD Clickie here.

Touwyah and Youkitow:

One thing:

Touya CCS = Touya TRC

They like to keep the connection clear. Watch it all here.

I used the original Dattebayo and Live-evil subs, since I don't have the raws. Please go easy on me.  :sweatdrop:

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #44 on: April 08 2006, 07:53 pm »
Thank you so much for putting these up!

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #45 on: April 08 2006, 11:02 pm »
Thanks for the uploads, Ralea! :)

In my opinion, they totally ruined Tsubasa... :cry:
Syaoran: he sounds so much older
Sakura: boring voice and somehow the way she talks, its like pronouncing words syllable by syllable
Fai: I think they made his voice even more sissy than before (way too sissy even for him. :X)
Kurogane: the clip was too short for me to tell the difference, but his was the best amongst those 4
Touya: He sounds like Yukito
Yukito: He sounds like Touya
One word to sum it up, horrible.  :cry:
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #46 on: April 09 2006, 09:47 am »
::dies of pain::


Faye sucked...completely. It just wasn't him. And Syaoran sounded so OLD. Like a dad...And Yuki's voice was way too masculine. >.<

Sakura wasn't very good either...though I could probably live with her voice more than the others.

But Faye and Yuki especially...English dubs never seem to get the more soft-spoken/light-hearted guy voices right. They always sound way too deep or way too young.


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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #47 on: April 09 2006, 01:13 pm »
I was going to comment on the lip syncing until I realised that you'd recorded the sound seperately.

The acting is TERRIBLE! I'm actually pro dub mostly, but it's obvious that this is a half assed job. It looks like they've got the same actor to do Syaoran, Toya and Yukito.  :sad5:  It really does sound like a fandub actually.

But this isn't the audio that'll be on the funimation release I'm pretty sure. This was a private production for the Animax tv station, right?
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #48 on: April 09 2006, 01:28 pm »
anyone have the actual names of the actors in it?
because according to IMDB there are no English actors on it yet...
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #49 on: April 10 2006, 03:50 am »
I watched the dub clips and while I don't think the VAs are the worst they could've been, I don't think they were all that great, either.  The biggest problem was that they all sounded too bland and didn't speak with any emotion, not to mention they all sounded too much alike.  Sakura's dub VA wasn't too bad but even she sounded very bland.  I also hated the mispronouncations of the characters' names, especially Yukito's.  I can sort of understand how it would be easy for someone to mispronounce Sakura's name, but how is it even possible to mispronounce Yukito?  Here's hoping Funi's dub will be a lot better.
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #50 on: April 10 2006, 09:24 am »
Um... Why does Fai sound like a 60-year-old woman?

And since when does "Yukito" rhyme with "Cheeto"?

And did Chii call Ashura "she"? O.O
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #51 on: April 10 2006, 09:50 am »
TT_______TT  < -- crying.  OMG, they RUINED Syaoran.  RUINED HIM!  And Sakura!  What the heck is "ShowWRON"?  I'm in a bad mood, so its probably best if I DON'T comment on Fai or Tomoyo.
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #52 on: April 10 2006, 09:50 am »
Damn! My ears bleed!!!

Now I'll never get those nasty voices out of my mind :(

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #53 on: April 10 2006, 10:24 am »
My ears!!! They burn!! Not Tsubasa, not my wonderful, lovely Tsubasa! They can't do this!  :cry:

Now after that rant, I'll give my indepth reason behind it.

Syaoran: He sounded like he was more like a father than anything else. Even more uptight than usual. That was so not my kawaii Syaoran-sama!

Sakura: She sounded just like her CCS English counterpart! Stuck-up and rude. I couldn't stand her. And they gave her the same name again! It's not Sakooora, it's Sa-ku-ra!  :angry:

Kurogane: I will admit, regrettably, that they got the laughter down. He was able to do the exact laugh that the Japanese Kurogane gave. But when he started to talk, that was just unbelievably painful.

Fai: He sounded like a prepubecent 13 year old! (apologies to any 13 year olds on here  :sweatdrop:)

Touya: He sounded like a 15 year old. Unbelievable! (Again apologies) And saying, "Whatever." That steamed me to no end!

Yukito: I can't believe that! His voice was horrible as well! And how they pronounced his name! Un...for...giv...ABLE!!!

Tomoyo: She was just like her CCS dubbed voice as well. A complete valley girl!

Ralea-chan, thank you so much for showing these. It has only strengthened my will to NEVER watch the dub! Let the Japanese live on!!

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #54 on: April 10 2006, 10:32 am »
-watches, listens, wants to commit suicide-

x_x omg...

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #55 on: April 10 2006, 10:44 am »
-watches, listens, wants to commit suicide-

x_x omg...
Agreed. But I'd rather whoever is responsible for this travesty commit suicide. It is the only honorable thing for them to do.
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #56 on: April 10 2006, 10:44 am »
Well I like Syaoran, Tomoyo, Chi and Touya.
At first I liked Sakura's Voice but in the Touya clip she made me feel physically sick (I'm not kidding either). Yukito sounded a bit plain in parts.

I think the voices are good.
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #57 on: April 10 2006, 10:47 am »
As awful as they sounded, please keep in mind that when Funimation eventualy gets to dubbing TRC, they'll use a completely different set of voice actors...I hope.

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #58 on: April 10 2006, 11:00 am »
As awful as they sounded, please keep in mind that when Funimation eventualy gets to dubbing TRC, they'll use a completely different set of voice actors...I hope.

Agreed. Let's hope that they do another set of voices. Although I fear that forcoming as well. *shudders*

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #59 on: April 10 2006, 11:07 am »
As awful as they sounded, please keep in mind that when Funimation eventualy gets to dubbing TRC, they'll use a completely different set of voice actors...I hope.

True! I usually like Funi's dubs. They usually don't do too bad of a job. So I'm kind of eager to hear their voices because I like a bunch of the voice actors. I really don't like the voices for Animax though. Syaoran just sounds too weird for me.. :/

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