O_O You liked the DBZ dub? I hated it. I thought it was completely mutilated beyond all recognition.
Well DBZ wasn't exactly a work of art to begin with.

I'd like to say something about the pronunciation of Sakura's name. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. People in Japan (have been living here for 2 years now) say it the way it was said here. Sa-koo-ra. However a LOT of people seem to think that it should be SAR-koo-ra (which just sounds stupid as shown in the second CCS movie dub where they listened to the fans). It's similar to the way they say Naruto in the new dub of that show. It should be Na-roo-toe but they say it NAAHH-roo-to which just sounds like it's trying too hard honestly.
If you say to a Japanese person: "I love Sar-koo-ra" (the way a lot of people think it SHOULD be said) they will laugh at you. It sounds stupid.
If you say "I love Sa-koo-ra" (the way everyone's bitching about which is actually correct)... well, that's how it's said.
Just had to get this off my chest.