AuthorTopic: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax and QTV  (Read 94857 times)

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #80 on: April 12 2006, 12:14 pm »
so... I'm really the only one who found it "watch-able".  :sweatdrop: I guess this is what happens when you watch that channel every single day. You get used to the horrible dubs.

And yes, I also noticed that Touya and Yukito was dubbed by the same person. It was really funny coz I wasn't looking at the TV during that scene so I got confused.

hm.. I'm still watching this until the last episode. There's no way they're going to cancel this. It's a great show for those who don't download the original Jap. If there's one good thing about this, it's the fact that Tsubasa will gain new fans.

Too much of a bad thing Little Wolf. :XD: Well, our subscription was cancelled since we're moving. I have absolutely no intention of watching it from beginning to end dubbed anyway. I have the whole Japanese series in DVD format. (Burned for easier viewing)

The thing with Animax is that it could be watchable if they only used different voices with different shows, not the same annoying voices over and over again.

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #81 on: April 12 2006, 08:31 pm »
Um, what are you talking about?  Nelvana DID mispronounce Sakura's name.  It's supposed to be pronounced: Sah-ku-rah.  SehKOOreh is how Nelvana mispronounces it which is completely off.  Even Nelvana admits that they changed the pronouncation of Sakura's name.  Quoted from the official Cardcaptors website FAQ, "Are the North American character names different from the ones in Japan?  Yes, the North American character names are mostly English names, and are pronounced in a way that's easy to understand for English-speaking kids to understand.  For instance, while it is common in Japan for Asian languages to put the accent on the first and last syllables of a name (i.e. SAH-koo-RAH); in North America, names tend to put the accent on the second syllable (i.e. Re-BEC-ca).  We have adapted the pronouncations for our North American audience."  The CC dub DOES mispronounce Sakura's name, the uncut dub for the second CCS movie DOES pronounce Sakura's name CORRECTLY, and the Naruto dub DOES pronounce Naruto's name CORRECTLY.  If you don't believe me, go read the answer to the 12th question on the FAQ at the official Cardcaptors website yourself where Nelvana even admits that they mispronounced the names on purpose:

Okay, fair enough, but why is it that the pronounciations of both sound nothing like the way they're said here in Japan? It may look good in writing but the second CCS movie did not say her name correctly (well, most the characters anyway. Sakura's father comes to mind as sounding just silly).

Listen to how sakura is said in any number of jpop songs called "Sakura" (there are hundreds). You'll find the pronunciation a LOT closer to the first CCS dub than the second movie.
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #82 on: April 13 2006, 12:04 am »
Okay, fair enough, but why is it that the pronounciations of both sound nothing like the way they're said here in Japan?
Because you're either watching CCS on mute, deaf, or you have no clue what you're talking about and are spreading lies because you're one of those clueless trolls that doesn't know a thing about anime?  Seriously, please stop spreading your lies.  People can hate you for lying, you know.  Everyone knows that what you're saying is a lie and you know that what you're saying is a lie, so STOP IT.  No one is believing you because we know it isn't true.
When her leathery, crow-footed face turned towards my raised hand and said, “Yes, the boy in the Sailor Mercury t-shirt,” I sprung into action. It took me a brief 20 seconds to acquire the bokken (wooden sword) I had secured to the underside of our chairs with duct tape the night previous. Shouting “Japan BANZAIII!” in the manner of those noble kamikaze pilots from the War of United States Aggression (so tactlessly referred to in your history books as “World War II”), I charged the stage, bringing down the bokken forcefully onto the plywood table in front of Tiffany Grant. It was a tragic mistake not to channel my ki correctly. The bokken splintered into a thousand pieces, leaving me with no other plan of attack besides shouting, “You’re no Asuka!” as two Ohayocon toughs escorted me out of the

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #83 on: April 13 2006, 10:05 am »
Because you're either watching CCS on mute, deaf, or you have no clue what you're talking about and are spreading lies because you're one of those clueless trolls that doesn't know a thing about anime?  Seriously, please stop spreading your lies.  People can hate you for lying, you know.  Everyone knows that what you're saying is a lie and you know that what you're saying is a lie, so STOP IT.  No one is believing you because we know it isn't true.

Come on. I'm not looking for a fight here and I'm not lying. I've been living in Japan for 2 years now (check out my blog if you really don't believe me). Lots of my friends love anime and CCS in particular and my close circle of friends includes quite a few professional interpreters most of which are native Japanese speakers whom I have asked about this. I don't appreciate being called a troll simply because you don't agree with me.

Let's cut this down.

Okay so the original CCS dub put more emphasis on the middle sylable. Fine. The second CCS dub put WAY too much emphasis on the first sylable distorting the word into something that just sounds strange (hence the SAR-koo-ra). If anything Japanese words should have equal emphasis on ALL sylables not one or the other, but when it's naturally spoken it's not always the case.

If you're saying the way the English voice actors said her name in the second movie is the same as the Japanese voice actors said it... come on. I'm not attacking anyone, this is simply my opinion.

Don't get me wrong. I think the Animax dub is utter crap, but the name pronunciation isn't exactly the biggest problem. If you disagree fine. But don't start calling names. It's immature.
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #84 on: April 13 2006, 12:08 pm »
Okay, guys, time out. No need to fight over a name pronounciation now don't we? :sweatdrop:

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #85 on: April 13 2006, 12:19 pm »
Okay, guys, time out. No need to fight over a name pronounciation now don't we? :sweatdrop:

Yes, please. To each his own. We each are entitled to our own opinion.

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #86 on: April 13 2006, 01:16 pm »
Wow! the two of you scared me :sweatdrop:

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #87 on: April 13 2006, 03:07 pm »
geez, let's keep it friendly okay?!
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #88 on: April 13 2006, 04:46 pm »
Because you're either watching CCS on mute, deaf, or you have no clue what you're talking about and are spreading lies because you're one of those clueless trolls that doesn't know a thing about anime? Seriously, please stop spreading your lies. People can hate you for lying, you know. Everyone knows that what you're saying is a lie and you know that what you're saying is a lie, so STOP IT. No one is believing you because we know it isn't true.

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You know what, if you're going to resort to name-calling, you can take it somewhere else because no one appreciates it here! You've done this same thing to me before by calling me a "wannabe purist" or something like that!

If anyone here is a troll, it's YOU for doing nothing here but lurking around waiting until someone says something that you disagree with so you can treat them rudely and try to make them look like idiots in front of everyone!

Well it doesn't work, and it only succeeds in making you look mean! Leave everyone ALONE; no one here did ANYTHING to you!!

Back on topic: I don't like the dub, and not just because of the names, but because I don't think the voices suit the characters. There, that's my two cents! XD
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #89 on: April 13 2006, 05:14 pm »
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #90 on: April 13 2006, 06:35 pm »
No more fighting, or warnings will be handed out.

Couldn't agree more.

Anyway, has anyone captured anymore clips of this version. Audio or video?
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #91 on: April 13 2006, 10:02 pm »
Graa!! animax makes me hate them more & more!!! reasons are:

-Mokona says 'feather' instead of 'mekyo'
-Fai called Kuro-pyuu 'Mr. Mysterious' instead of 'Mr. Black'
- uh.. i don't know if it's just me coz i haven't watched episode 3 undubbed but in epi. 3 of TRC, Yume no Tsubasa was played, right? was it really played in english?

and the thing that made me really furious was...

  - Fai just say 'kuro'!!! not kuro-pii, kuro-pon, kuro-rin or whatever names Fai used to call him back in the japanese audio!!! :angry: GRAAA!!!!


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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #92 on: April 13 2006, 10:59 pm »
Graa!! animax makes me hate them more & more!!! reasons are:

-Mokona says 'feather' instead of 'mekyo'
-Fai called Kuro-pyuu 'Mr. Mysterious' instead of 'Mr. Black'
- uh.. i don't know if it's just me coz i haven't watched episode 3 undubbed but in epi. 3 of TRC, Yume no Tsubasa was played, right? was it really played in english?

and the thing that made me really furious was...

  - Fai just say 'kuro'!!! not kuro-pii, kuro-pon, kuro-rin or whatever names Fai used to call him back in the japanese audio!!! :angry: GRAAA!!!!


I think "Mr Black" said by a native speaker sounds a bit childish for a nickname. "Mr Mysterious" sounds like something one of use might say. "Mr Black" could also have racial undertones if it were said by an English speaker where the Japanese culture doesn't seem to understand the sensitivities involved with being white or black.

Yeah that song is sung in English in the original episode. It's replaced with the Japanese version a few eps later on when it's played again... and again... and again... ;)
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #93 on: April 14 2006, 01:51 am »
I think "Mr Black" said by a native speaker sounds a bit childish for a nickname. "Mr Mysterious" sounds like something one of use might say. "Mr Black" could also have racial undertones if it were said by an English speaker where the Japanese culture doesn't seem to understand the sensitivities involved with being white or black.
Actually, I see what you mean, but I disagree with your hypothesis. This is an Asian channel, the voice actors are Asian (even if they are speaking English), and it is meant for an Asian audience, and Kuroagne is quite clearly not African but Japanese. I don't see why the dubbers would be pay attention to the black/white racial tensions of the west. I don't even see why it would exactly be a big problem in the west either, since Fai is quite clearly refering to Kurogane's clothing and general aura, not his race. I certainly hope and believe racial relations have improved past the point where something like that would not cause a problem.

And 'Mr. Mysterious' is also childish. Fai isn't going for maturity, and isn't going for a real nickname someone might use; he is doing nothing but purposely annoying Kurogane. Any and all of his names for Kurogane are purposely childish, so I disagree with that part of your hypothesis too. This, to me, just seems like something they did for reasons known only to themselves.
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #94 on: April 14 2006, 06:44 am »
Meowzy-chan send me a little fandub of TRC she found

Fei wong Reed ain't that bad, but Kurogane's laugh is totally stupid! :sweatdrop:
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #95 on: April 14 2006, 12:46 pm »
Mokona...voice...squeaky...terrifying.. .*traumatized*

The "Excuse me? Could you please help my friend?" substitute for "Onegai! Sakura o tasukette kudasai!" was just plain aggravating.

If I have time, I'd look at that fandub but right now I'm still sick of the voices of Animax.....

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #96 on: April 14 2006, 04:39 pm »
The "Excuse me? Could you please help my friend?" substitute for "Onegai! Sakura o tasukette kudasai!" was just plain aggravating.

They made him say WHAT?!!? That is SO lame!!! Oh GOD.. And how unrealistic?!? In an emergency, no one is like that... That's like saying: "Excuse me, I just cracked my skull.. It's bleeding EVERYWHERE! Could you do somethin' 'bout that?" XD

*hates Animax*
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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #97 on: April 14 2006, 05:40 pm »
*sulk* looks like im the only one who hated animax for Fai saying just plain 'kuro' and not those 'kurorin thingy' :cry:

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #98 on: April 14 2006, 08:52 pm »
Meowzy-chan send me a little fandub of TRC she found

Fei wong Reed ain't that bad, but Kurogane's laugh is totally stupid! :sweatdrop:

There are more fandubs on Youtube, if you wanna see. That one happened to be the first one I encountered. ^^'

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Re: Chronicles of the Wings - TRC on Animax
« Reply #99 on: April 15 2006, 12:22 am »
They made him say WHAT?!!? That is SO lame!!! Oh GOD.. And how unrealistic?!? In an emergency, no one is like that... That's like saying: "Excuse me, I just cracked my skull.. It's bleeding EVERYWHERE! Could you do somethin' 'bout that?" XD

*hates Animax*

Could agree more with your reaction there. :D Just.... what the Hell were they thinking?
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