General Discussions > The "What" Board

What do you do in your free-time?

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Hey, everyone what do you do in your spare time? :keke:

Me, I doodle in composition notebooks (drawing little mangas and pics), play nitendo ds/playstation/gamecube, surf the net,
study japanese, and daydream, sometimes... :sweatdrop:

So what do u do? :keke:

This topic really should be in the What Board, located within the Anything Goes Board.

Buy anywho...

I go on MSN, eat, sleep, listen to music, obsess over Syaoran, read manga, watch anime, be a lazy bum, obsess over Syaoran, go to the movies, write fanfiction, read, obsess over Syaoran, read fanfiction, hang out with my friends, obsess over Syaoran do homework, talk to my family, watch TV, play video games, obsess over Syaoran help my family out, tease my little sister, obsess over Syaoran, cook, make clothes, listen to music, shop, oh, and did I mention obsess over Syaoran? :tongue3:

[giggles] really like Syaoran, don't u?

I usually go surfing on the net for hours, mainly posting on forums and buliding a site, but when my eyes gets tired after staring at the computer screen for so long, then I draw loads of Manga or Anime pics whilst listening to music or playing games or watch an Anime video

Hehee this is a fun thread.

I like to shop, (love to buy clothes), surf the internet, talk on the phone with my friends, cook, clean my room/and the house, listen to music, obsess over Syaoran/CCS/TRC, try to fix my hair in different styles. (I'm ALWAYS messing with my hair) read manga, write in my journal, watch anime, watch movies, stay up late, do schoolwork, draw, read, write, oh yeah and did I say shopping. Shopping = my love. <3 <3 Just give me $1000 and I'd be at the clothes store all day long!


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