General Discussions > The "What" Board

What do you do in your free-time?

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go to library read books, do some gardening work, play keyboard, surf the net, draw manga, watch anime/jdrama, listen to anime music, read manga.

Hikari B.:
Fanfictions writing/reading

The forums mostly takes up my time on the computer. ^^;;


-DDR (Ps2)
-Computer (Fourms, writing etc..)
-Talk to my friends
-Play Harvest Moon

I like to workship Syaoran and Haku, watch Anime, learn a bit of japanese,read, write, hang around in this Forum, look

for Anime information and music, play the piano, doodle, plan stuff and eating candy!!

I also love playing games...

- draw and doodle, and attempt to color them on the computer
- do homework and stress out
- download anime, manga, and music
- read [strike]yaoi[/strike] manga
- read fanfiction
- spend time at Borders or Barnes and Nobles reading

So when I'm not online, the majority of the time I will probably be drawing or reading.


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