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What do you do in your free-time?

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Reading comics
Watch TV (especially Anime)
Draw and doodle (Animals only, I can't seem to draw humans. XD)
Listen to music
Photoshoping drawn animals (Sample here, lol
Making animated avatars (
Mapling (Does anyone here play maplestory? :D)
Sleep :)

Get online

Read manga or other books and fanfiction

Watch television and movies (generally anime)



--- Quote from: kudan on March 28 2006, 05:22 pm ---Msn
Reading comics
Watch TV (especially Anime)
Draw and doodle (Animals only, I can't seem to draw humans. XD)
Listen to music
Photoshoping drawn animals (Sample here, lol
Making animated avatars (
Mapling (Does anyone here play maplestory? :D)
Sleep :)

--- End quote ---

Yep, i'm swordsgirl35, if you see me...  :keke:

free-time? What's that???
Ehh if I have free-time I'am here or drawing some pictures but the most time I use this rare moments to read books! *loves to read*

I do either one of two things...the usual fangirl manga, draw, write, play Firefly. Shut up about Firefly already Becci, sheesh...

...But another favourite thing is to go to my 'job'. I say 'job' because it is and it isn't. My local manga shop called Forbidden Planet is, so - usually on a Saturday - I go down their because my friend LuLu works there (I met her about two/three months ago when buying Tsubasa manga, and I mentioned I liked the chemistry between Kurogane and Fai and we ended up fangirl spazzing over the pairing. The only pairing disagreement we've ever had is between Roy/Ed ((me)) and Envy/Ed ((Lu)) in FMA XD). I buy something, and then I stay in the shop and chat with her all day. We are complete fangirls...Haha. I usually sit/stand by the big window, or hide behind the counter. Everyone's really nice and friendly, and they don't mind that I'm there because I don't get in the customers way, or distract Lulu from serving, I help them plug their merchendise. I usually stay until closing time, when me and Lu buy FMA trading cards and look through them before going. Haha.

I'm really hoping to get a Saturday job there in October. The guy told me that they're lowering the working age there to long as you avoid the 18+ stuff. So...hopefully. He said the earliest they may have jobs going is October <3 Haha. Last time I was there, I was helping them choose new yaoi manga to stock. Like Only The Ring Finger Knows. Major, MAJOR fun...<3


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