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What school level are you?

(1/14) > >>

Hi, everybody,  :keke: sorry if this has been done before, too, but what school level are you in? :keke:
(You don't have to put grade level if you don't want to)

I guess i'll go first, I'm in high school, advanced 10th grade (it's like regular 11th grade, but different)

What school level are you in?

I'm in in my last year in Junior High, demo, I'm taking classes in High school too.

Hikari B.:
Would 6th grade count as Middle? ^^;;


--- Quote from: Hikari_Blaze on March 27 2006, 08:46 am ---Would 6th grade count as Middle? ^^;;

--- End quote ---

yes, 6th grade is middle

bie liao:
High School.  Woooo, freshman.


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