General Discussions > The "What" Board

What school level are you?

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college freshman...

Technically, I'm an 8th grader, as in a middle-schooler, but I'm graduating in 3 days. Since my answer will be different in such a short time, I chose Other. :sweatdrop:

I'm going to be a freshman in high school with all Honors classes and i'm also in the magnet program.


--- Quote from: suu_no_clover on June 12 2006, 03:05 am ---Technically, I'm an 8th grader, as in a middle-schooler, but I'm graduating in 3 days. Since my answer will be different in such a short time, I chose Other. :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---
me too!

I chose other because I'm not sure how the English school system fits into the American. I've just left school, and I'm taking my final school exams now. (...meep. I hate Maths. ;_;...)

However in September I start college for two years, and then hope to go on to University...I'ma assume that college is like the final two years of an American highschool...and...University is similiar to American college?

(I dunno. So I pick 'other' anyway. Haha.)


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