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What school level are you?

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I'm a junior in high school

I'm going to be a senior in high school this coming fall. And I'm pretty scared... ^__^;

In 11th grade! ^o^

Zettai daijoubu:
Erm.. i dunno if Junior College in Singapore is equilvalent to High School but if you take First Year in Elementary School (called Primary School here..) as Grade 1.. i would be in Grade 12.. yesh.. i'm that OLD.. o.O taking A levels this year.. a rather important exam sort of like grants you a University entry if you do well

Well, our school system in Germany is quite different from yours, I guess ^^" I'm 9th grade now, what'd that be?

And I'm attending the gymnasium. (There are three school forms after elementary: main-, realschool and gymnasium. the gymnasium is the hardest school but only here you can get your "abitur".)


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