General Discussions > The "What" Board

What school level are you?

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--- Quote from: Star Wings on June 16 2006, 12:57 pm ---I was in 6th grade a week ago, but now school is over so I'll be starting 7th grade in August.

--- End quote ---

Me too!!! But i'll start the 7th grade in september ( I think on 15)

i'm assuming "college" means "university" :keke: anywayz, yeah I'm in my 2nd year of university.

MJ Walker:
7th grade g.a.t.e [gifted and talented education], kinda like 8th grade, but still concederd 7th grade.

Since I'm in the Philippines, I'm in 3rd year high. But if I was in the states, I'd be a Freshman. It's a bit confusing...^_^''

I'm in 7th grade. :)
I'm starting on Tuesday


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