With the TV and Movie A-Z Game done, now it's time for the Cartoon and Comics A-Z Game.
Rules are simple. Use a name of a cartoon, comic, anime or manga character, show, movie or book starting with the letter 'A'. The next poster does 'B' and so forth until all 26 letter in the alphabet are used...then we start over and do it again.
This game differs from the previous game in that you can use characters as well as show names. Also when naming a character, if they have a full name, use it since there are lots of Sakuras floating around (as an example). When naming a character, note what cartoon, manga or anime they came from. If it's a comic book character or book, you need to post where they came from (DC Comics, Marvel, Dark Horse, etc.) Places and comic events are also acceptable.
Post the name and either where they came from or whether it's from a manga, anime, comic, etc. ONLY! Any added explanations should be put on in a seperate sentence.[/b]
Many of the anime/manga characters may be used twice since in English, they go by first name/last name while in Japan it's last name/first name (Example: Sakura Kinomoto and Kinomoto Sakura). You can NOT use the same name twice if they appeared in more than one show unless their name is different (Example: Mokona appears in Magic Knight Rayearth, Tsubasa and xxxHoLic but can only be used once however since the Sakura in Tsubasa does not have the same last name as her counterpart in CCS, she can be used as her proper name Princess Sakura)
The other typical rules apply...no double-posting entries unless 24 hours pass without an entry and after the first three rounds, a seperate thread with the Master List will be posted.
Anything animated, including CGI, Claymation and Marionettes are acceptable. The final word in all names will be mine and I can terminate the game for any reason without explanations.
So...now without further
apu...here we go with the first entry...
A = Apu (Qwik-E-Mart owner on The Simpsons)