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What is your most embarrassing moment?

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Well, the subject says it ^_^
I have many embarrassing moments <_<" I still remember one when i slammed into the wall during a game of dodgeball...
i literally, RAN into the wall..*sigh* everyone was laughing and staring my way, aiyaa, it was embarrassing =P
oh yah, and another one is when i accidentally called a stranger "mom"...gah, that always happens to me =S :tongue3:

whoa.. :lol: looked like i'm the 1st reply.. hmmm... mine the most embarrassing moment is when i slipped down on the slippy floor  :cry: sob* that was rather a embarrassing, even during that time my neighbour house caught in fire.... so i ran here and there to pass out water and slipped out it..... T-T

Dunno.. I have plenty, only that I can't remember most. :heh:
For now, I can only think of one.. the most recent one.. 0.o The teacher was choosing students to participate in the long jump event for sports day and asked everybody to give their best shot.. So I was running at top speed towards the sand pit,then tripped and fell. -_-

Sailor Yue-chan:
i was in first or sedonc gragde. i was in the bathroom. the stall i was in had a broken latch, the kind that can be opened on the out side. lets just say, som Mean Girls decided it would be funny to mess with me when i was indesposed >:[

:sweatdrop: umm... I had a bunch of embarrassing moments, but I guess this was the most embarrasing... I was in the fourth grade, I was carrying a bunch of books back to put in my bookbag...
(It was for homework) I couldn't see past the books and I ended up tripping and falling down the steps...  :sweatdrop: Then, to make it worse, I landed on top of another kid at the bottom of the steps...
So both of us ended up in the nurse's office...  I apologized to him about a thousand times. The boy said he was ok, but....


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