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What is your most embarrassing moment?

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One time i was inside an art supply store and i mistaken a woman who was also a customer as a sales clerk. no wonder she didn't  cater to my needs. so embarassing.....

..i ran away from my friends car when i was out side of my house because i saw her coming...and she saw me running and her car my house to see me by i was hiding in our courtyard....<i dont think i was all myself that day.... :dodge:>


--- Quote from: Cherry-chan on May 01 2006, 04:09 am ---Um.... when I dropped my books in the middle of the stairs and we were switching periods, so a stampede of people came buy and watched me pitifully pick up my books... mou, not my worst, actually.

--- End quote ---
I did that with my pencil case. People just walk by, kicking my stuff around >_>

Well here is one of mine. A couple of days after the snow melt. I took out my roller blades. Now here this. I haven't been on them for over a year. Anyway. I put them on, and I was roller blading to my moms. I was a light and I stop. Then for no odd reason, I feel right on my but. And people, I was on a busy street. So tons of people saw me fall. I tried getting up, but I couldn't. So when I did, and the light change. I skated my but off to get off of  that road >.<

one of my most embarassing moments is when my stomach was growling HEAPS coz i was REALLY hungry during a lecture. wat was really bad was my crush was next to me and he heard it. >_<

when i was young i accidentaly opened the door of my father's car while he was still driving and then fell on the pavement like a chump...actually it isn't really funny because i could have been crushed by another car  :sweatdrop:!
when i come back home i was scratched everywhere and my mother asked me what has happened,but my father was too shameful to tell her the truh  :haha:


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