General Discussions > The "What" Board

What is your most embarrassing moment?

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Once during a school assembley a guy I knew who liked me sat in front of me with his friends and didn't notice that I was sitting behind him. As we were waiting for the assembley to start he starts talking aloud to his friends wondering if he should ask me out. And they're saying go for it. I could feel the eyes of my friends on me and worse my ex boyfriend was one of the guy's friends and he and I made eye contact and he smiled (you know that cocky smile) and I just wanted to sink to the ground and dissappear.

This was along time ago, you know those 50 cent toy capsle things. Well I thought I'd be a cheap little kid, and I thought my hand was small enough to fit in the darn thing. I was wrong, got it stuck. Then out of pure fear of embarcement and god knows what else, I ripped it out, leaving a peice of skin behind. About 20 people saw it.

Oh, no that wasn't my most embarrassing moment! It was when i was still in elementary and my mean older bro and sis found my diary and read it in front of my parents! I stuffed my diary full of info on the boy i liked.

Today [insert name] made me laugh. He looked really cute today....

ARGH!!! THE SHAME!!! -///-


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