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What is your most embarrassing moment?

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Um.... when I dropped my books in the middle of the stairs and we were switching periods, so a stampede of people came buy and watched me pitifully pick up my books... mou, not my worst, actually.

When I sounded stupid in front of my real crush. Heck, I always sound stupid in front of him.

Hmmm.... most recently is wearing a Yukata for international week's closing cememony and tripping up in front of the senior years, on stage at their assembly

Sailor Yue-chan:
another embarasing moment of mine happeend on the way home from a was in the winter...i stepped on a patch of ice and fell backwards on my butt >.< (my big bookbag saved me from headinjury :dodge: ) thankfully a neighbor pulled up and took me home...both my butt and dignity got hur that day >.,

I remember when I was little that in a big store I took the hand of an unknown person...I was thinking he was my father

When I attended my brother's graduation day, my mom suddenly went up to me and said I had bad breath (I don't) in front of so many people. She even stuck her finger on her nose as if she smelled something nasty. The embarrassing thing about it is that not only did so many people hear that, but everyone did look at me as if I had bad breath.

Now that I remember, every single embarrassing (and humiliating) moment I had involved my parents.


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