AuthorTopic: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)  (Read 22026 times)

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #40 on: April 06 2006, 09:34 pm »
So far, most of the voice-acting has been pretty good. I especially like Cloud's and Tifa's. Aerith, however, was done better in the first game. It's passable, though, I guess. Aerith is so sugary sweet she makes my gums hurt.... >.< Which is probably why I like Tifa better...

YAY! We can be rabid Squall fans together then. :P *behold the majesty that is Squall*
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #41 on: April 07 2006, 03:13 am »
awww :( So Aerith wasn't done too good?
Aerith is my fav Final Fantasy Girl too ^^;;
At least Cloud and Tifa are good! Rachel Leigh Cook even looks like Tifa who she does the voice acting for in KH and AC.
yes Squall is the best Male Final Fantasy Character <3
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #42 on: April 07 2006, 08:19 am »
No I wasn't amused with Aerith, though you may have different thoughts. I think most of the FF characters are done better in this game. Especially Sephiroth. ^.^

I find myself wishing that Vincent would make an appearance though.

In my opinion, Cloud has the best voice actor. It fits him, and you can tell the guy knows what he's doing.

Cid's voice acting sucks though... He sounds like a Southern hick... *tear* (And I can say this from experience, being from the south and all...)

Rachel Leigh Cook does look like Tifa... Scary... :P
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What Kingdom Hearts 2 character are you?
« Reply #43 on: April 11 2006, 02:09 am »
I just made my first quiz and it's to tell you which character you are from KH2.

When I took it I got...

Riku He may seem cool and collected for his age, but he is far from the quiet type.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #44 on: April 11 2006, 09:25 pm »
I got...

He is an upbeat teenager who may seem simple minded at times, but possesses a strong sense of justice and an unwavering heart. At times, he is impulsive and quick to anger, but he is always sincere about what he says and does.

Wow... :P Didn't know I was that nice. I am impulsive and quick to anger though. :P
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #45 on: April 11 2006, 09:30 pm »
Riku He may seem cool and collected for his age, but he is far from the quiet type.
You mean.. he is exactly like the Quiet type. certainly seems that way.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #46 on: April 13 2006, 10:21 pm »
No I wasn't amused with Aerith, though you may have different thoughts. I think most of the FF characters are done better in this game. Especially Sephiroth. ^.^

I find myself wishing that Vincent would make an appearance though.

In my opinion, Cloud has the best voice actor. It fits him, and you can tell the guy knows what he's doing.

Cid's voice acting sucks though... He sounds like a Southern hick... *tear* (And I can say this from experience, being from the south and all...)

Rachel Leigh Cook does look like Tifa... Scary... :P

I loved Cloud's voice acting. Can't remember what Cid sounded like now...I guess that show's how memorable his voice was.

Vincent would be cool! I would fear that the voice acting wouldn't do him justice but still. I would like to see a Nanaki too. Everyone forgets about ol' red. It's speciesism, it is.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #47 on: April 14 2006, 02:53 am »
Can't remember what Cid sounded like now...I guess that show's how memorable his voice was.

Well, I realize that Cid was supposed to have a bit of an accent and all, but the accent he's given was one of the most ridiculous Southern accents I'd ever heard. Yeah, I guess some of us sound that way, but Cid didn't seem like one of those that should have one of those idiotic, overly-dramatic Southern drawls.

He just sounded stupid *cries*

It would be nice of Nanaki made an appearance. It would also be nice with more FF VIII characters. Like maybe some Irvine or Zell. They were awesome...
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #48 on: April 14 2006, 03:12 am »
Well, I realize that Cid was supposed to have a bit of an accent and all, but the accent he's given was one of the most ridiculous Southern accents I'd ever heard. Yeah, I guess some of us sound that way, but Cid didn't seem like one of those that should have one of those idiotic, overly-dramatic Southern drawls.
I havn't played KH2 yet, but that is basically how I've always pictured Cid's voice! I would of thought he would have a strong southern accent/drawl. It's just how his character is. I never really liked the character anyway ^^;;
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #49 on: April 14 2006, 11:13 pm »
*tear* Well, as I'm replaying FF VII in preparation for the US release of Advent Children, and getting back to finding Cid, this voice doesn't seem to off. x.x I guess somewhere in my mind I was just trying to convince myself he shouldn't sound stupid.

On a random note, who's everyone's favorite Kingdom Hearts exclusive character?

I heart Axel. He's my hero! (I just beat KH2 last night! I was soooo happy!!!!!!!!!)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #50 on: April 15 2006, 10:07 am »
I was just at Future Shop today begging my parents to let me buy KH2. Unfortunatly, I didn't have enough money  :sweatdrop:
But from reading the "offical" walkthrough, I will say...Hmm... ^_^;;

OO! Lucky littlekitty-san XD How was Auron in the game? And Yuna, Rikku and Paine? Were they anything like the ones in FFX and X2?

About that test  SaskueRocks-san posted, I got:

Kairi She may appear delicate, but she possesses a strong, unyielding will.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #51 on: April 16 2006, 04:28 am »
OO! Lucky littlekitty-san XD How was Auron in the game? And Yuna, Rikku and Paine? Were they anything like the ones in FFX and X2?

Auron was so awesome. They did him splendidly, dialogue-wise especially. Most of his specials were his overdrives from ff X. Yuna, Rikku, and Paine were... interesting. They were cool though. They were more FF X2 but it was awesome. Confusing, but awesome. :P
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #52 on: April 16 2006, 12:08 pm »
Yay! I just got the game! I'm still playing Roxas though thanks to the boss I can't beat ^.^;

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #53 on: April 16 2006, 06:22 pm »
Fai - Rule of thumb, Mash X alot.

I'm currently messing the game in order to have Mickey, Riku, Roxas and Sora in the party.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #54 on: April 17 2006, 02:01 am »
[rant] I'm not excited at all by KH2 anymore, sure it's nice when it's been out for like a day or two in Japan. But when It gets released to america next and then it takes about 2 or 3 months to get over to Britain and by the time we get it, nothings new and everyone already know everything about the game. The entire point of what made KH1 so good is because it wasn't popular untill After the main disney and square fans had played it bringing in more people to play it, And the ending with the preview for KH2 which was the secret ending, was what made waiting for KH2 much more exciting, But because of america, It's lost all it's value now and KH2 won't live up to the mystery since everyone already knows the 'mystery' characters. If anything Britain should get it either before at at least at the same time as america. [/rant]
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #55 on: April 18 2006, 03:31 am »
You could always close your ears and shut your eyes to anything KH2 related until you get it. Whenever someone comes to you saying, "KH2..." just run away screaming, "No, back ye spoilers!"

I get what you mean though. It does seem unfair that America gets everything fist (Well, right after Japan anyway.)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #56 on: May 02 2006, 02:36 pm »
wow....never knew (looked at the first post ) Hayden Panettiere was the voice of Kairi
by me.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #57 on: May 08 2006, 07:39 pm »
I just made my first quiz and it's to tell you which character you are from KH2.

I took the quiz and got....


She is a young girl who put Sora, Donald, and Goofy to sleep. She is very kind and Caring.

I really like her from the beginning ^_^
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #58 on: July 06 2006, 03:00 am »

KairiShe may appear delicate, but she possesses a strong, unyielding will.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Appreciation Thread (may contain spoilers!)
« Reply #59 on: July 09 2006, 08:43 pm »
Gosh! I love Riku! ^^

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