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  did you fold all that by yourself? that's amazing!! i love the origami paper! they are so colourful!! :D
--- Quote from: Senefen on June 15 2006, 01:14 pm ---I've been to Hiroshima and seen the statue of Sadako. There are thousands, porbably millions of crans all over the peace park there. People make chains and send them from all over the world and put them up. I will scan the photos I took there later. They're so pretty but at the same time its so depressing.
I can do cranes, stars and frogs. My host sister bought me some paper when I was over there. So here's my crane chain in my room
--- End quote ---
Wow that's pretty!
in 9th grade I did my DNA project using 72 origami balloons!
take a look!
WOW!!! origami balloons? that's awesome!!! i luv making origami stuff...especially lucky stars ^_^
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