CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Scanslated Chapters 114 - 140 + omakes - Chapter 140 available
thank you for your hard work
i've downloaded the omakes and they were fun :okay:
Sorry to be a bother, Celesse, but you mentioned in an earlier thread that Winrar is required for downloading rar files. I tried to download the free version - however, I am terrible with these kind of things and I don't know whether to go for the RAR 3.50 or 3.60 version - is there a difference, except for size and efficity? It also beats me how I can tell whether I'm really installing the thing or just trying it (as the latter is for free), and thus I do not dare pushing that Instal button. :dodge: Could you please help poor, untechnical me?
Oh, and I mustn't forget to thank you for all your work (Celesse, Nectar Rain and everyone else involved)! It's highly appreciated.
Umm, I think you should do fine with the free/evaluation version. I got Winrar a long time ago and believe I only have the evaluation version. All you really need it for is "unzipping" the files, so you don't need the full version with all the bells and whistles.
*glares at computer* Now I have downloaded, saved and opened the RAR 3.60 beta 1 for Pocket PC, but when I try to install it, my computer claims that it can't find the program. *goes back to glaring at computer*
EDIT: Nevermind, I found a way to download the rar files - by kidnapping someone else's computer. Fufufu... Thanks for your help, Celesse.
Can anyone who's downloaded chapter 109 mirror it somewhere other than rapidshare, please? :sad5: Rapidshare doesn't work for networked computers due to not having a unique IP. I've managed to get my hands on every chapter BUT 109. ::sob:: Oh, omakes! Haven't seen them either...stupid rapidshare :angry:
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