CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Scanslated Chapters 114 - 140 + omakes - Chapter 140 available

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Well, this one wasn't really as good as the previous ones, but I just LOVE Kurogane's "....ewww" face in the last panel  XD  Lmfao.

Anyway, I did a scanslation the best I could. The Chinese translation was a little odd, but with a few other people's help it managed to make more sense. If I get a better translation down the road I'll do a re-edit  ^__^;

For now, enjoy:

Chapter 122 -


--- Quote from: Celesse on July 20 2006, 08:44 am ---Chapter 122 -

--- End quote ---

Wow...that was fast!

Ying Hua:
OMG will download later when I get home!

wahoa! you sure were fast with this one!
but you did a spelling mistake in page 1, it says "cruilties"... i dont mean to be harsh or phony, just telling you so you can fix it :)

...i always get your scanlations but i've never thanked THANKS!!!!


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