Discuss: [Board Revival] Need Suggestions!
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Rescanslated 130 and 131 with Pikari's translations:http://rapidshare.de/files/36910183/trc-130.zip.htmlhttp://rapidshare.de/files/36913588/trc-131.zip.htmlI've also started employing new methods of cleaning up and restoring the artwork on the scans. Hopefully it looks better, but I'm not sure it's worth it since eventually BWYS will release much better-looking scanslations anyway. There's just not much I can do with the poor printing on the magazine pages.. :/
I've also started employing new methods of cleaning up and restoring the artwork on the scans. Hopefully it looks better, but I'm not sure it's worth it since eventually BWYS will release much better-looking scanslations anyway. There's just not much I can do with the poor printing on the magazine pages.. :/
can someone tell me where each omake acured? the only one i know is that #6 happeend in vol 16 all i know is 1 was in v85 was in v 136 was in 16
Scanslated 134 - http://rapidshare.com/files/3133023/trc-134.zip.htmlI wish Sakura would hurry up and get unbloodified ~o~;; Filling in the black streaks in her hair is a royal pain in the ***.