CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Scanslated Chapters 114 - 140 + omakes - Chapter 140 available
Weee! Thank you sooooo much Celesse! ^__^
Thanks so much for the scans!
I took all the .zip ones since .rar does NOT like my Mac.
Sailor Yue-chan:
heh ive read the translations for some of the omakes on i hyu website, but now i get to see teh manga too ^_^
by the way, wheres omake #1?
Facade > I'm sorry, rar was what I was using at the time ^^; I'll see about getting my friend to upload them as zips (I'm on dial-up and it would take forEVAR to reupload them all).
SailorYue > You can get omake 1 from so I saw no point in doing it myself.
--- Quote ---You can get omake 1 from so I saw no point in doing it myself.
--- End quote ---
is registeration needed for this site, i can't find where to download.
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