CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Scanslated Chapters 114 - 140 + omakes - Chapter 140 available
I download chapter 115 from but it can't open with WinRAR. Can you fix this ?
Sailor Yue-chan:
you can read it online here:
--- Quote from: ExMiraclelight on May 12 2006, 07:28 pm ---I download chapter 115 from but it can't open with WinRAR. Can you fix this ?
--- End quote ---
This one actually works on my com.... :keke: Arigato, ExMiraclelight...
Ano, it opens with Winzip... here's a link to download Winzip:
Actually, you should be able to open zips with winrar too D:\ Just right click on the zip file and choose "extract here."
--- Quote from: Celesse on May 11 2006, 04:17 pm ---Welcome welcome ^^
Senefen > I just boost the brightness and contrast until the gray is gone and the lines are nice and black. It doesn't always look the greatest, but it's the best I can do... ^^;
--- End quote ---
Will try that. I use the Select Range, to select all the stuff thats light then pain bucket it white, then inverse and paint bucket black. Trouble is sometimes it leaves darker patches and I have to repeat which gets rid of some detail.
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