CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Scanslated Chapters 114 - 140 + omakes - Chapter 140 available

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Thank you for putting these in another forum! I can keep track of them easier.

Yup! You are right! Thanks a lot!!! Celesse!!!  :hello2:

:cry: i don't know why i can't download it.Could you upload it on you send it or other place please?

Glad everybody is pleased  ^^ <3

seren > I'm sorry, You Send It doesn't work for me  :(  Are you using a download manager/accelerator?  RapidShare doesn't allow those for free users.

yeah, i use flashget to download

i will try download it without using flashget

Edit: yay! it's works now! thanks alot Celesse-san   :hello2:


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