General Discussions > Chains Board

The ABC word Game YAY!! :D

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Ok here is how this game works, I put a word up and the next person to post puts a word that begins with the last letter of the world the person before them posted here is an example:

Person 1: Happy
Person 2: Yogurt
Person 3: Tomatoe

and so on and so fourth, I shall begin :D
Its lots of fun and can go on forever....and ever........and ever.......and EVER!! xD


Oo, it's Shiritori but with English words! X3

As this is a game, I think this would do much better in the Chains section. Perhaps a moderator can move it some time soon. ^^

chains section?!? heh *rubs back of neck* sorry I'm new here ^-^

Oh, daijoubu, daijoubu! *patpat* You'll get used to this forum soon enough, don't worry. ^___^

Its ok. We all do that once in a while ( I did it alot when starting, lol)



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