General Discussions > Chains Board

The ABC word Game YAY!! :D

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parrot. ^^


Randall (i hate him, my brother)


Off topic: Wow. This is the first time I've seen a person hating her own brother O.o

Anothing "e" o.O


--- Quote from: ~Emethyst~ on May 26 2006, 01:13 am ---Off topic: Wow. This is the first time I've seen a person hating her own brother O.o

--- End quote ---
for people who don't want to hear me ramble
Show contentI have three brothers.

My step brother is a grade younger then me, and he is really smart, but lacks in women things. He can't get a girl friend, and compains about it.

Randall, I hate him. He acts like he the best, and makes me suffer. My dad will do anything for him, even he almost got kick out of the school, and the whole board

last brother, likes anime ^^, but is loves to pick on my nerves


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