General Discussions > Chains Board

The person below me game

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I thought maybe we could have another forum game...there was one game that i used to play called "The person below me"

Basically the explaination i got was this:

This is how it works you make a true or false statement, then the person
below you says if it's true or false and then post's another statment, for example:

Person one: TPBM (The Person Below Me) likes dogs better than cats.
Person two: says whether the statement is true or false, then makes a
statement, TPBM play's the piano
Person three: answers true or false and then makes a statement.
And so on and so on etc. i guess i will start....
The person below me is counting down the days till season two of TsubasaRC comes out

True! ^_^

The person below me is reading CLAMP manga

False v.v but i do have a manga of TsubasaRC right next to me  :greengrin:

TPBM likes Kero-chan better than Spinel

True! ^_^

TPBM is watching anime...

False....if i did then my mom would hear and find out im on the compy <.<   >.>

TPBM has lots of homework but hasn't started on it


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