General Discussions > Chains Board

The person below me game

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YES. ^^

TPBM likes to sing.

True but really has an annoying voice (check on let's hear your lovely voices thread)

TPBM thinks dark Syao is cooler than our syao *preparing to be shot*

true! Syaoran-yami sugoi! (Dark Syaoran is awesome!)

TMBM thinks I'm too hyper?  :sweatdrop:

bie liao:
Never.  I'm the same way (and agree on Dark Syao! <3)

TPBM loves this forum!


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on April 24 2006, 01:04 pm ---true! Syaoran-yami sugoi! (Dark Syaoran is awesome!)

--- End quote ---
Yay! i thought im the only one who thinks like that

Hyper? uh.. True (?) sometimes :sweatdrop:

TPBM likes Fai?


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