General Discussions > Chains Board

The person below me game

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Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
uh...what thread is it...?

TPBM is sleepy...

Heero will always be Heero,no matter what  :wink:

TPBM wants to kill Beetrain  :keke:

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
who's Beetrain...?

TPBM is out to get someone... ^^;

Many on my list :greengrin:

TPBM is a newbie

--- Quote from: Sapphire-Amethyst on August 27 2006, 05:50 pm ---who's Beetrain...?

--- End quote ---

BeeTrain's the one that made TRC into an anime

not really according to my level  :keke:

TPBM don't know what to do of his sunday


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