General Discussions > Chains Board

The person below me game

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Not much, since we don't have that often in our supermarkets (from where I am, that is :XD:).

TPBM has cried over a drama series?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
erm...unfortunately, yes... ._.

TPBM has been to an anime con

never,and it's better this way if you want to avoid a slaughter in direct live  :haha:

TPBM is is at the moment posting according to the "recent forum posts" which is displaying at the right up corner of the page  :keke:?

^ Nope, unless I find something interesting.... :XD:

TPBM likes Kero-chan?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
maybe yes, maybe no... :keke: okay, okay...answer's yes, especially when he's in his tiger form... :keke:

TPBM is related to another member in real life?


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