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What grinds your gears?

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what are the things that really pissed you off ???
i tried to search a similar thead.. but nothing.. so i'm making this one xD

Slow internet connection XS....

Yummy Candy Bear:
Hm... waiting! Yes I hate waiting for somebody! It's so BORING TO WAIT.
And traffic jams, hm...pepper (^_^), and copycat! You can copy everything of me,but not the things I work so hard for! And stuff.

yep..I know how you feel, waiting for a page to load on dial up is annoying (especially if your doing a stupid quiz on Quizilla)

hmm...what else..I have a lot of things that piss me off...I just cant think of them right now XD

Yummy Candy Bear:
Yes me also. I am not kind of person that has quick temper but really sometimes I can't keep myself flaming with anger!


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