General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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People who 'cry wolf' and like to create problems that aren't there.
People who continuously try to prove how tolerant they are of other people, but are too ignorant to realize just how insulting their own comments really are.

People going on and on about things nobody cares about.
George Bush
People who are conceited but not really what they claim
Overly Perky People

Sailor Yue-chan:
extremely dense people

school guards


--- Quote ---1) George Bush, Tony Blair, and all British politicians who aren't Lib Dems.
2) People who act horribly towards you because you don't 'look as good'
3) People who say anime/manga is for children without trying it first
4) Anything to do with Big Brother, reality shows etc.
--- End quote ---

I so agree. And retail.......


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