General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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When I get kicked off the computer. >.>;

popularity contests
people all acting the same
people who act like they are better than everyone else because they are part of a certain "group"
people who lie to, take advantage of, and purposely abuse their close friends
the sometimes undeniably careless mistakes the US government makes in relation to other countries, enerby, pollution....etc
seeing somoene suffer due to the ignorant negligence of another person

Sore tooth...
Sore arm...
Sore eyes...
Sore everything @_@


--- Quote from: Heero on July 25 2006, 05:30 pm ---^don't worry....all of them will get better soon enough.....

--- End quote ---

Thanks :')

--- Quote from: Heero on July 25 2006, 05:30 pm ---On Topic:
People who misunderstand me....

--- End quote ---
*raises hands* Me too!

Another thing that pisses me off: Flooding messages (esp. in the messages are exactly the same... T_T)

when we have to wait two weeks instead of one to have a new chapter of Tsubasa ^^


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