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What grinds your gears?

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she's talking about another kamui ^^;;
hehe poor him =/

-- oh yeah .. another thing that makes me mad- is labels >____>;;;
specially when people call me an emo -___-;;
geez even the teacher called me an emo today!!!!
and then everybody started to laugh
am i a kind of joke or something?

i hate when people talks--when they dun know anything about your life---

having a cold..

Sailor Yue-chan:
people who state their opinions in a rude fashion, and try to asay they are the only one;s corect, everyoens is wrong and/or stupid

Drinking medicine -_- My body's weak

this could be old--but
gas prices makes me mad!!!
and people who tell they know a shortcut--and is not even short--and you cut nothing-- arg i coudln't feel my *** after 3 hours of driving--
and also trafic jams!! go to hell >___<


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