General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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I hate freeloaders and lazy people who always depends on others to do the whole job and not realize that they responsibilities as well.

Posts which are three words or less. If it's that short, I doubt it's saying anything important. Thus, the post is spam, in my opinion, and is just wasting page space. (This obviously doesn't apply in chain games and the what board.. But in DISCUSSION threads, it makes me really mad...)

my pc going haywire in the middle of uploading

Idots at work


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on August 09 2006, 07:34 pm ---Posts which are three words or less. If it's that short, I doubt it's saying anything important. Thus, the post is spam, in my opinion, and is just wasting page space. (This obviously doesn't apply in chain games and the what board.. But in DISCUSSION threads, it makes me really mad...)

--- End quote ---

i hate those end of discussion threads too -.-*

also when the proffesor makes a mistake and he doesn't want to accept it--and makes you look like a fool in front of everybody--


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