General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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Honestly, people who are complaining that Show contentVamp!Fai is so bad and cliche. I don't think it is. Maybe it's just because I've not read a lot of vampire books or something, but I don't. Besides, no matter what you write, you ARE building off of the millions of stories that have been told before you. -_-

tests, work, homework, weight,

Sailor Yue-chan:
load screechy noises, like those motorized hand pulled forklift thingies at stores. this one person was doing restock stuff and everytime the thing had to drop the load it made a HORIBLE screach >_<

check everyday if the next chapter is available and see that it isn't the case of course  :sweatdrop:................
i'm going to check again,we never know  :haha:

"stalking"... it's driving me mad at the moment... long story :tongue3:


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