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What grinds your gears?

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Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Nectar Rain on August 14 2006, 05:20 pm ---"stalking"... it's driving me mad at the moment... long story :tongue3:

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ah, i had that probelm. a hacker-stalker of sorts. (he lived in england and i in usa, but he STILL followed me to everysite i went to, emailing pestering me, etc [note: bet my story's longer XP]

right now, what anoys me is thos G-D trashmane. their loud abnioxius trucks, keeping me awake i just wanna :snore:

Hmmm.... brown/blackouts especially when on the internet. 2nd to that, exams.... math exams. I wonder if Physics is harder...^^'' 3rd or probably the 2nd also, some of my annoying classmates who are bloods & crypts wannabes... not saying any names!^.^''

i want to go to sea...but i made a choice this year,work on holidays for money or go to the beach to do some lazy activities  :shifty:...and the first wins (it's hard to be poor  :sweatdrop:)

Sailor Yue-chan:
reiterating from watching xxxholic ep 17: LOUD TICKING CLOCKS!!! GOD that gradfather clock of yuuko's was anoying!!! :XP


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on August 09 2006, 07:34 pm ---Posts which are three words or less. If it's that short, I doubt it's saying anything important. Thus, the post is spam, in my opinion, and is just wasting page space. (This obviously doesn't apply in chain games and the what board.. But in DISCUSSION threads, it makes me really mad...)

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Or if people reply with 'whatever', I HATE that word! It means nothing! At least say, 'I agree' or 'I disagree'. >:(

When I get that after-sickness after drinking milk, and I like milk so I don't want to stop drinking it.

When people adapt mythologies/fantasy stories, and they SPELL EVERYTHING WRONG! Grrr! Sorry, I've just been seeing that everywhere today. >.> 'Tir nan Og'? What the hell?! 'nan'? 'nan'?!

When I'm drawing or writing and I put down my pen, and then I can't find it.


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