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What grinds your gears?

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Waking up from a really good sleep...then having to get up to get ready for school, and its really cold in the house because my dad turn off the heat....i hate mornings....

Stomach upsets....

Another thing that grinds my gears is people who lie for no good reason!! >__< Annoying!!!


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on April 23 2006, 04:50 am ---People blaming me without proof that I did something wrong, and refuse to believe me when I tell them the truth!

--- End quote ---
>_< same here...

I hate people who think they have me all figured out, and people who badmouth me when they don't know me at all.

I hate liars too and people who don't know me very well or just met me in the same week or two but expect me to do something ****** with them anyway, geeze give it a break.

I hate fascists aswell, I hate drug users and I hate fat people who complain about being fat but do nothing about it anyway (sure if they work out and it's still there it's understandable but I mean those who complain but still eat tons and do no excercise)


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