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What grinds your gears?

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confusing guys thoughts :tongue3: ... long story

When Bee Train 'blatantly disregards' the TRC manga. ><


--- Quote from: hoshisenshi on August 18 2006, 05:09 am ---When Bee Train 'blatantly disregards' the TRC manga. ><

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total agreement. And a certain member on a certain unmentionable TRC forum just makes me wanna throttle something...

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 17 2006, 02:38 am ---people who don't keep their promise...even if i know that sometimes it's really hard to fulfill  :sweatdrop:

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i hate that too. people have rarely kept promises to me, especialy when it has to do with my birthday: IE: my friend priomised to give me a OST for sailor mon, my 5th grade teacher said she'd celebrte all the summer bday people in june, a classmate of mine from omega, when she gave me a secret santa gift, it was broken so she promised to replace it.

alot of times with things like that, i dont  go "did you egt it yet?" cuz of my personality, so i usualy just end up suffering :(

right now tho, what bugs me is my next door neighbor and his motocycle

i think that we shouldn't do promise,because future is too unpredictable  :sweatdrop:

i hate when my clock is screaming me to go to bed  :dodge:...


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