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What grinds your gears?

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Im used to beople lying to me about everything, i suppose empathy is the cure for that XD. I hate people breaking promises, and most importantly, people patrionizing me because im 18. Like age matters in terms of intellengce or wisdom. Everyone always treets me like im young and useless, yet i always try my best to succed.....

college... (im starting to feel tired with my class schedules)


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 18 2006, 08:42 am ---i think that we shouldn't do promise,because future is too unpredictable :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---

very true! that's why i never promise ppl anything...well, seriously promise anywayz coz the future changes everything.

guys who talk about "hot" girls while i'm there with them... gah! sooo annoying. i mean, i don't care whether they talk about girls but i hate it when they talk about girls in front of me!

certainly because you feel concerned  :haha:

i hate to feel totally useless when somebody is crying in front of me and that i can't find the words to comfort him  :dodge:...

When my internet connection doesn't's been happening a lot lately. :(


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